Ellie Goulding - How Long Will I Love You
【楚爾秀音樂欣賞】 《How Long Will I Love You》最早是由蘇格蘭樂團The Waterboys於1990年創作發表的輕快搖滾歌曲,《How Long Will I Love You》後來在2013年由英國女歌手艾麗高登 (Ellie Goulding)翻唱為慢板抒情歌曲,並引用在電影《真愛每一天》(又稱《時空戀旅人》)主題歌曲才走紅,這首歌同時也是英國BBC電視台2013年兒童募款的慈善歌曲。 在電影《真愛每一天》中,有個地鐵裡街頭藝人賣唱的片段,裡面就有一段輕快搖滾版本的《How Long Will I Love You》,而艾麗高登的慢板抒情版本略有不同,音樂間奏則有夾帶一段男主角的心情故事表白。 這首歌曲時間相當短,只有2分鐘34秒,很容易學唱,歌詞如下:
How Long Will I Love You(Ellie Goulding)
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan
How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash upon the sand
How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far
How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can
How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
How ever long you say
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may
艾麗高登(Ellie Goulding):《How Long Will I Love You?》
The Waterboys 2012年慢板搖滾演唱
Chinese, Traditional