《小子難纏》(The Karate Kid)是1984年美國電影,由賴夫·馬奇歐(Ralph Macchio)與森田則之(Pat Morita)主演。故事大綱是青少年丹尼歐(Daniel)隨母親搬家到洛杉磯,認識了一位日本空手道大師Mr. Miyagi(Keisuke Miyagi,宮城成義),在高人調教下丹尼歐成為空手道選手,並且參加空手道比賽,這時惡名昭彰的武館也派出選手參加比賽,丹尼歐力爭上游擊敗強敵,終獲空手道冠軍的勵志故事。

第二集前往日本琉球拍攝,講述Mr. Miyagi回故鄉琉球探望重病父親,並與故人了斷比武恩怨的故事。
《小子難纏》系列電影一共有五集,好看的故事其實只有第一集(The Karate Kid)和第二集(The Karate Kid Part II)。第三集(The Karate Kid Part III)是第一集壞人回來復仇最後又被男主角丹尼歐打爆,很瞎。第四集(The Next Karate Kid),男主角換角失蹤,Mr. Miyagi改收女徒弟,換成女主角街頭鬥毆,不知所云。第五集(The Karate Kid)是2010年威爾·史密斯出品的好萊塢電影,重新翻拍第一集,但故事情節搬到中國演出,由威爾·史密斯的兒子賈登·史密斯飾演男主角Dre ,而Mr. Miyagi的角色改換成龍主演功夫大師韓先生,中文片名翻譯為《功夫夢》。

1994年第四集《新小子難纏》的主角換成少女希拉蕊·史旺(Hilary Swank)
The Karate Kid: Crank kick - 鶴形踢
The Karate Kid Part II: Counter-attacks using the handheld drum technique - 鈴鼓反擊
1986年Peter Cetera主唱《小子難纏》第二集主題曲"Glory of Love",在1987年提名為奧斯卡最佳電影原創歌曲。
Peter Cetera因歌曲"Glory of Love"入圍1987年葛萊美獎最佳男歌手。這首歌曲原本是為了1985年電影《洛基》第四集所寫,沒想到成為《小子難纏》第二集主題曲,曲風也由快變慢。本曲是Peter Cetera自芝加哥合唱團不歡而散單飛後全心完成的作品,也是Peter Cetera的個人代表歌曲。
Glory of Love
Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things i want to say
I will always love you
I would never leave you alone
Sometimes i just forget
Say things i might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone
I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love
You'll keep me standing tall
You'll help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone
I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you've been dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love
Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time i will save the day
Take you to my castle far away
I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We're gonna live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
Peter Cetera - Glory of Love (Live)