1986年歐洲合唱團《The Final Countdown》單曲封面
1984年,歐洲合唱團第二張專輯《Wings of Tomorrow》登場,專輯內包含主打歌曲《Open Your Heart》。1986年我不小心在唱片行買到台製補帖抒情搖滾合輯,裡面就有《Open Your Heart》這首歌曲,還有另一首《The Search Is Over》。那個時候我只是小六練英文,隨機挑選一張英文專輯,其實學校也沒教過搖滾課程,我根本搞不懂迪斯可跟抒情搖滾有什麼差別,反正跟著錄音帶裡面的人唱就好了。
1986年專輯《The Final Countdown》是歐洲合唱團銷售成績最佳的一張專輯,主打歌曲為同名歌曲《The Final Countdown》(最後倒數),該專輯總共售出超過800萬張,在全球26個國家流行音樂榜拿下冠軍。歐洲合唱團全球知名度高漲,並在美國展開巡迴演唱,他們是繼ABBA後第一支足跡遍及全美國的瑞典樂團。
Europe - Open Your Heart (live in Sweden 1986) HD

1988年,歐洲合唱團推出第四張專輯《Out Of This World》,主打歌曲《Superstitious》和《Open Your Heart》新版本。歐洲合唱團再展開世界巡迴演唱,12月來到台灣站,12月17、18日在台北市立體育場、12月20日在高雄中山體育場共舉辦三場大型演唱會,從此歐洲合唱團和台灣結緣。
歐洲合唱團《The Final Countdown》專輯造就了硬式搖滾《The Final Countdown》和抒情搖滾《Carrie》兩大紅曲,雖然《The Final Countdown》在美國Billboard流行音樂排行榜最高只有第八名,而《Carrie》在美國Billboard流行音樂排行榜拿過第三名,但是《The Final Countdown》是歐洲合唱團全球知名度最高的歌曲,也是歐洲合唱團最為廣泛流唱的硬式搖滾歌曲。
Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Music Video)
The Final Countdown
We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To Earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
We're heading for Venus (Venus)
And still we stand tall
Cause maybe they've seen us
And welcome us, all yeah
With so many lightyears to go
And things to be found (to be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown (final countdown)
The final countdown
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown (final countdown)
Ohhh. It's the final countdown
We're leaving together. (The final countdown)
We'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown (Final countdown)
Europe "The Final Countdown" live from "Live At Sweden Rock - 30 Anniversary Show"