1978年Boney M《Rasputin》單曲封面
說到DISCO迪斯可舞曲是1976年到1986年期間非常流行類型歌曲,這類型曲目的開山作品是1976年ABBA《Dancing Queen》,迪斯可舞曲會瘋迷全球是拜1977年電影《週末夜狂熱》(Saturday Night Fever)熱潮所引發,該電影三首由Bee Gees 創作及演唱主題曲《You Should Be Dancing》、《Staying Alive》與《Night Fever》成為迪斯可舞曲的經典作品。1978年CHIC演唱《Le Freak》,Gloria Gaynor演唱《I Will Survive》,ABBA《Take A Chance On Me》繼續推熱迪斯可舞曲。1979年Blondie玻璃心《Heart Of Glass》、ABBA《Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!》及Michael Jackson《Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough》將迪斯可舞曲推到高峰,最後迪斯可舞曲至1986年Modern Talking《Brother Louie》完成十年流行週期。
高凌風本名葛元誠,1974年出道的台灣歌手,成名歌曲是瓊瑤電影《女朋友》歌曲《大眼睛》。1974年電影《女朋友》由秦祥林和林青霞主演,男主角名字就叫做高凌風,葛元誠搭上電影順風車,從此藝名高凌風。高凌風後來演唱諸多瓊瑤撰寫的影視歌曲例如《在水一方》、《煙雨濛濛》及《燃燒吧火鳥》,成為瓊瑤專屬合作歌手。高凌風最早是設定為情歌王子的形象,但是在1982年《燃燒吧火鳥》電影原聲帶專輯,高凌風以《冬天裡的一把火》成為台灣迪斯可舞曲一哥。我為什麼會記得這麼清楚呢,因為《燃燒吧火鳥》是我買的第一張國語專輯,因此記憶深刻。 可是高凌風從情歌王子變成台灣迪斯可舞曲一哥,這中間其實是有個轉折,不可能像超人變裝直接就變過去。1979年高凌風推出《迪斯可專輯》,翻唱了德國樂團Boney M的歌曲《Rasputin》(翻唱為:《心上人》)和《Gotta Go Home》(翻唱為:《夕陽下山時》)。
Boney M是一組來自德國的音樂團體,創團團員分別是Liz Mitchell、Marcia Barrett、Maizie Williams和Bobby Farrell。這個三女一男的組合。這個團體的歌曲走牙買加音樂和龐克曲風,剛好搭上迪斯可舞曲的熱潮,加上詭異的舞蹈表演,在樂壇迅速走紅。至今,Boney M奇特的舞蹈表演,還是有人在YOUTUBE討論。
《Rasputin》這首歌曲其實是土耳其曲風,有中東音樂和東歐音樂的味道,或稱為鄂圖曼曲風,聽起來就不像是歐美音樂的曲調。 波蘭索波特音樂節(Sopot International Song Festival)是波蘭最聲大的音樂節慶,在1960-1990年代也是歐洲重要的音樂歌曲比賽慶典,各國音樂代表共赴索波特音樂節參賽,1999 年以後索波特音樂節停辦歌曲比賽項目。Boney M於1979年受邀在索波特音樂節表演,留下了珍貴的音樂錄影帶紀錄,成為Boney M在YOUTUBE流傳影片來源。
Rasputin是個爭議性的俄國人物,早期稱為妖僧拉斯普丁,後來洗白為聖人拉斯普丁。拉斯普丁是俄皇尼古拉二世時代的神秘主義者,被認為是東正教中的佯狂者之流,自稱聖人。拉斯普丁在1916年遭人暗殺,屍體被運到彼德格勒遊街示眾,然後被焚屍揚灰。直到1990年代,俄羅斯史學界出現了為拉斯普丁正名的學者,他們替拉斯普丁洗刷名譽,並將拉斯普丁描繪為宗教聖人。 你有聽過普丁的傳說嗎?網路謠傳普丁其實是不死身,1920年照片跟現在一個樣。Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Ra ra Rasputin. Lover of the Russian Queen. There was a cat that really was gone.
There lived a certain man in russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
But to moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the bible like a preacher
Full of ecstacy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Ra ra rasputin Lover of the russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra rasputin Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
He ruled the russian land and never mind the czar
But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he was the man to please
But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze
For the queen he was no wheeler dealer
Though she'd heard the things he'd done
She believed he was a holy healer
Who would heal her son
Ra ra rasputin Lover of the russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra rasputin Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on (spoken:)
But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger
For power became known to more and more people,
The demands to do something about this outrageous
Man became louder and louder.
'this man's just got to go!' declared his enemies
But the ladies begged 'don't you try to do it, please'
No doubt this rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms
Then one night some men of higher standing
Set a trap, they're not to blame 'come to visit us' they kept demanding
And he really came
Ra ra rasputin Lover of the russian queen
They put some poison into his wine
Ra ra rasputin Russia's greatest love machine
He drank it all and he said 'i feel fine'
Ra ra rasputin Lover of the russian queen
They didn't quit, they wanted his head
Ra ra rasputin Russia's greatest love machine
And so they shot him till he was dead (spoken:) oh, those russians...
喔 我的心上人 請你不要走 音樂正悠揚 鼓聲伴著好節奏
喔 我的心上人 請你展笑容 聽我輕輕唱 翩翩起舞忘憂愁
你可知道 這個甜蜜夜晚 我心在澎湃
在這迷人藍色星光下 和你情深似海
來來別害羞 快到我的身邊來 要接受我那真摯的愛
來來別害羞 快到我的身邊來 要接受我那真摯的愛
我的心上人 請你不要再走開 請你看著我 相依相偎不分開
來來別害羞 快到我的身邊來 要接受我那真摯的愛
來來別害羞 快到我的身邊來 要接受我那真摯的愛
Boney M. - Rasputin (Sopot Festival 1979)
2013年Boney M與俄羅斯妹子莫斯科歌舞版本並非原男主唱Bobby Farrell表演,因為Bobby Farrell早於2010年12月30日在俄羅斯聖彼得堡表演後過世,恰巧的是12月30日正是俄羅斯妖僧拉斯普丁的忌日,且拉斯普丁也是死在當時俄國首都聖彼得堡。