《Procol Harum》1967年專輯封面照片
這是由英國樂團Procol Harum(主唱Gary Brooker),在1967年發表的藍調搖滾歌曲,全英六週冠軍,是六十年代的經典金曲。Rolling Stone雜誌對本曲評價甚高,在史上500大金曲排行No.57,勝過No.58 Billie Jean。
這是一首相當耐聽的歌曲,歷久彌新,歌詞耐人尋味,頗有魔幻意境。本歌曲原是四段版本,但在唱片公司要求下改為兩段版本。Fandango凡丹戈是一種西班牙舞曲,是弗拉明戈舞的一種方式。歌詞裡面有個Miller,很多人認為是坎特伯里故事集的磨坊主人,但作詞者Keith Reid表示兩者並無關聯,可能由於坎特伯里發生的故事多屬超orz。這首歌曲翻唱版本眾多,但網路流傳較廣版本有四種:Procol Harum原唱版、Annie Lennox小丑版、Sarah Brightman月光女神版以及Procol Harum演唱會版。
We skipped the light Fandango
Turned cartwheels across the floor
I was feeling kind of seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
She said there is no reason
And the truth is plain to see
But I wandered through my playing cards
And would not let her be
One of sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast
And although my eyes were open
They might just as well've been closed
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
She said "I'm home on shore leave"
Though in truth we were at sea
So I took her by the looking glass
And forced her to agree
Saying, "You must be the mermaid
Who took Neptune for a ride"
But she smiled at me so sadly
That my anger straight away died
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
If music be the food of love
Then laughter is its queen
And likewise if behind is in front
Then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then like cardboard
Seemed to slip straight through my head
So we crash-dived straightway quickly
And attacked the ocean bed
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
Procol Harum唱片官方mv:1967年的倫敦
Annie Lennox小丑版1995年:馬戲團與凡丹戈
Annie Lennox榮獲1996年葛萊美獎最佳流行樂女歌手("No More I Love You's")
Procol Harum丹麥戶外演唱2006年:交響樂伴奏合音版
請注意mv背景Witley Court,位在伯明罕山區。