《大娛樂家》(The Greatest Showman)是一部於2017年12月上映的美國傳記歌舞戲劇電影,由視覺特效美術師麥可·格雷希(Michael Gracey)首次導演的處女作,2002年麥可·格雷希曾為台灣恐怖電影《雙瞳》製作數位合成。《大娛樂家》電影主要描述玲玲馬戲團創辦人菲尼阿斯·巴納姆(P. T. Barnum,全名Phineas Taylor Barnum,1810年7月5日-1891年4月7日)的傳記故事。
《大娛樂家》由休·傑克曼(Hugh Michael Jackman)領銜主演,休·傑克曼在「X戰警系列電影」中長期飾演「金鋼狼」一角,金鋼狼已經變成他的綽號。休·傑克曼出生於澳洲雪梨,畢業於雪梨科技大學傳播學系及西澳表演藝術學院,他是一位熱衷舞台劇的演員,2004年在音樂劇《來自奧茲的男孩》飾演同性戀藝人而榮獲一座東尼獎。
《大娛樂家》獲得了褒貶不一的評價,本片優點是聲光效果和歌舞編排非常用心,電影主題曲《我就是我》(This Is Me)超級好聽又振奮人心。但一些評論家卻稱之為「虛假的鼓舞人心和膚淺」,其中菲尼阿斯·巴納姆創建馬戲團就是想賺錢,不是去幫助畸形演員,電影主題曲《我就是我》根本是替菲尼阿斯·巴納姆洗白。本片最後的時間序有點錯亂,不符合真實歷史,菲尼阿斯·巴納姆後來是被併購退休,跟交棒年輕人也沒什麼關連。電影中間劇情搞了個外遇過場,但結局又來個好萊塢大團圓劇情,確實落入俗套。
《大娛樂家》電影主題曲《我就是我》(This Is Me)電影拍攝期間練唱影片
This Is Me
I'm not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one will love you as you are
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
Another round of bullets hits my skin
Well, fire away 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in
We are bursting through the barricades
And reaching for the sun (we are warriors)
Yeah, that's what we've become
Won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
Gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
...This is me
And I know that I deserve your love
There's nothing I'm not worthy of
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
This is brave, this is bruised
This is who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come (look out 'cause here I come)
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum (marching on, marching, marching on)
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
(Whenever the words wanna cut me down
I'll send the flood to drown them out)
I'm gonna send the flood, gonna drown them out
This is me
《大娛樂家》電影的原聲專輯包含了11首由演員所演出的曲目。在英國,它成為30年來連續11週排列冠軍的第二張專輯。電影主題曲《我就是我》(This Is Me)榮獲第75屆金球獎最佳原創歌曲,並獲第90屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲提名,未得獎。
《大娛樂家》就是一部高娛樂性的音樂電影,劇情行雲流水看過即可,並沒有過多回味。不過,電影主題曲《我就是我》(This Is Me)由黑人女歌手Keala Settle主唱,確實有蕩氣迴腸的震撼,而電影插曲《永不滿足》(Never Enough)讓人餘音繞樑,值得一聽。
Never Enough - Loren Allred (洛倫·奧爾雷德):《大娛樂家》電影原聲帶歌曲
Never Enough
I'm tryin' to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Gettin' louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling without you
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never enough
Never enough
For me
For me
For me
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For me
For me